9 Feb 2012

MyBus on Arran

Tuesday 7th February saw MyBus management travel to Brodick on the Isle of Arran for a meeting in the Ormidale Pavilion with a number of partners and parties interested in making the island’s MyBus service the best it can be. 

With service users, local councillor Margie Currie, representatives from the British Red Cross Society (BRCS) and members of the Isle of Arran Elderly Forum all present an interesting and informative debate and question and answer session took place, providing all who attended with an insight into a variety of matters concerning the operation and provision of the service; and some valuable feedback for SPT and the BRCS.

The Arran MyBus service commenced operation in August 2010 through the partnership of SPT and the BRCS with several thousand trip requests having been undertaken on the island since then.

For details on joining, call the MyBus enquiry line on 0845 128 4025 Monday – Friday, between 0830 – 1645 or download an application pack from the MyBus section on SPT's website.

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